Rabu, 09 Mei 2018


          CTCT 2018 merupakan rangkaian dari empat pameran utama yang diselenggarakan oleh Debindo dan Deutsche Messe, dengan co-organizing dukungan dari asosiasi mitra. Pameran akan diadakan pada tanggal 2 hingga 6 Mei 2018 di Indonesia Convention Exhibition (ICE) BSD City, Tangerang yang terdiri dari CeMat Southeast Asia 2018, IndoTransLog, IndoColdChain, dan IndoTruck. Perkembangan e-commerce di Indonesia telah berkembang pesat dari sebelumnya. Indonesia telah terpilih sebagai salah satu negara dengan potensi industri e-commerce pertumbuhan tinggi dengan fokus pada logistik intra-logistik, logistik eksternal, dan rantai dingin. Oleh karena itu, tahun ini datang dengan tema "Supply Chain Digitizing Platform di Industry 4.0". 
         Acara ini diadakan sebagai platform bisnis bagi para profesional industri, pelaku bisnis, pemain kunci pemerintah untuk ambil bagian dalam logistik rantai suplai dan sektor transportasi yang mendorong proses transformasi Indonesia menjadi pusat logistik utama di Asia. CTCT 2018 siap untuk menawarkan peluang bisnis yang menarik dan menggiurkan, dan memperbarui teknologi transportasi dan sektor logistik kepada para pengunjung yang ditargetkan. 

       CeMAT Asia Tenggara - TransAsia Jakarta - ColdChain Indonesia 2018, sebuah konferensi & pameran besar untuk ketiga pilar logistik telah diselenggarakan dengan sukses untuk pertama kalinya di Indonesia dan ASEAN. Sebuah pameran internasional dan konferensi intralogistics, teknologi, logistik eksternal dan rantai pasokan berpendingin diadakan untuk pertama kalinya di Indonesia dan ASEAN. 

        CeMAT Asia Tenggara, TransAsia Jakarta dan ColdChain Indonesia 2018 merupakan kombinasi dari tiga acara menjadi satu acara all-inclusive yang diselenggarakan pada  2-6 Mei 2018 di Indonesia Convention Exhibition (ICE) BSD City Tangerang Jakarta Indonesia. Untuk konferensi dan pameran, acara ini diselenggarakan dalam kemitraan oleh penyelenggara lokal, Debindo ITE; oleh penyelenggara acara Jerman, Deutsche Messe; Penyelenggara acara UK, ITE Group dan bekerja sama dengan Asosiasi Logistik Indonesia (ILA) dan Asosiasi Logistik dan Forwarder Indonesia (ILFA) dan dirancang untuk melayani para pemimpin industri di bidang intralogis, logistik / rantai pasokan, standar dan sektor bisnis transportasi berpendingin.

Rabu, 21 Maret 2018

Summary PT Agility International Indonesia

 PT Agility International Indonesia

On Monday 20th March, 2018 I visited PT Agility International Indonesia in Pondok Ungu, Bekasi. PT Agility is one of the most competitive logistics companies in the world. Until now Agility has been handling various products. Starting from products Nike, Herbal Life, Rebook, MAP, Drugs, Automotive and much more. Agility has been trusted to handle the storage and distribution of goods. And Agility is a 3PL (Third Party Logistics) company, and if experiencing overstock as on the way to Lebaran Agility must be ready to accept it because it wants to always satisfy customers and provide the best solution for its customers.
            In Agility there is also a master carton warehouse which is where the carton as a storage place can not be moved and can be seen from the ID or code contained in the master carton and in the storage rack. Which is useful to facilitate the taking of goods. And can only one shot or scan only
            And in the Agility also there is a Bonded Logistic Center (PLB), PLB is a temporary storage and sheltered by Customs. And the function of PLB is to reduce the dwelling time in the port from the withdrawal of goods in the warehouse to the destination, reducing the cost of the port, creating logistics cost efficiency

            In Nike brand there are four processes, namely inbound, outbound, inventory and process order. Distribution system is done directly as to the shops or mall. Before distributing, the warehouse staff will re-check the goods to be shipped. If any items are damaged then the Staff will immediately confirm to the Nike. 

Nike implements a disposal system where goods that can not be marketed will be destroyed. Every day stock checks are conducted between physical goods and Warehouse Management System (WMS). The packing process starts from Barcode scans to adjust the data in WMS.


In House Transport with a WMS Program

            Warehouse transportation moves SKUs or orders by vehicle (employee or computer controlled) or load carrying surface above variable or fixed line travel. Possible travel paths:

- Moving SKUs from receiver dock to storage area or landfill, to in-feed AS / RS station, to the location / location of the ship across the dock, or to the selected area

- Transferring SKUs from storage or placement positions or feeding stations AS / RS through and from selected areas to packing areas of orders through real stations and entering staging areas or delivery vehicles.

Warehouse transport is not a WMS supported transaction, but it is a warehouse transaction system. The design team develops TO and FROM locations to ensure accurate and timely SKUs.

The purpose of transportation design is:

1. To ensure that the SKU is transferred on time from the receiving dock, storage delivery station, or pick-up point / station In properly designed transportation, while the SKU travels by conveyor,

The identification of the SKU can be read / scanned by the fixed-position reader / scanner.

2. That after the SKU is scanned / read, it is transferred to the drop / delivery station.

3. That after the SKU reaches the delivery station, in-house transportation will transfer SKU to in-feed station AS / RS crane, storage position, delivery location or option. At each Cases, SKU read / scanned, scan transaction is completed, and the latest information is sent to the WMS computer.

Parameters of Inhouse Transport Design Parameters
            To ensure timely and accurate delivery of SKUs, a warehouse moves SKUs
from the receiving dock, pick-up location, or packing station order, and scans SKUs 
or commands. SKU or order scan indicates the recommended SKU or shipping sequnce / drop point.
Warehouse In House Transport (Warehouse In House Transport)
Travel path options are:
- fixed travel routes, carrying or carrying surfaces or containers moving in 
pre-determined directions between two locations.
- variable travel paths, in which human-powered surfaces or containers move 
across man-determined travel routes between two locations.
- one-way transport transactions or one command has a transport carrier or a
 moving ship with a SKU or an order by way of travel from the delivery station 
to the drop point and returns empty to the delivery station.

Other important factors in designing In-House transport are:
- Physical characteristics of SKU or sequence and WMS identification.
 For each component transport, the SKU or order length, width, height, weight, and
 lower support section and WMS identification are factors that affect efficient and 
cost-efficient transport.
- SKU or order volume (or number). The SKU or volume of orders can be a spike or 
continuous and is determined by queue delivery and queue of delivery and travel stations.
Using Identification Server to Generate Pick-Up Signals
            All vendors sending SKUs are dismantled and staged at the receiving dock.
 In conventional warehouses that use forklifts or US / RS cranes, after the receiving 
officer completes the acceptance update by including each WMS and SKU 
identification to the WMS computer, the officer applies WMS identification to each SKU,
and identification is read / scanned at pickup and delivery stations (P / D), 
and a message is sent to the computer indicating that the SKU is ready for retrieval.

Drop / Delivery Point Identified (Identified Drop / Delivery Point)
            To complete the transfer or transfer of the SKU, the WMS computer 
communicates the suggested drop / delivery SKU to internal transport. 
Trucking picks, moves, and drops SKUs at the suggested delivery point / point.
 To ensure efficient, cost-efficient, and timely transport SKUs, each drop point, 
storage / retrieval position, or work station is included in the WMS program.
Master Carton / Pallet Storage Vehicle Warehouse
- In a one-storey warehouse, delivery conveyor or station D is a one-way journey 
from the AS / RS aisle to the SKU transfer point.
- In multiple warehouses, for high floors, US / RS cranes have at least one or t
wo SKU delivery elevations or station Delivery locations.
Inhouse Transportation: Horizontal and Vertical Design
            SKUs can be transported from one warehouse position to another through a
 horizontal or vertical transport design. The horizontal transport design moves SKUs 
or commands between drops above or above a warehouse floor.
There are six manual or mechanical transportation designs that can be used for
 in-house transportation:
1. Horizontal transport on or above the floor
2. Horizontal transport on or above the floor
3. Overhead powered or not moving horizontally
4. Horizontal or powered horizontal transport
5. Appointed above or below the vertical floor
6. Vertical transport is powered or nonpowered
Transport is vertically powered or nonpowered


          CTCT 2018 merupakan rangkaian dari empat pameran utama yang diselenggarakan oleh Debindo dan Deutsche Messe, dengan co...